Thursday, 21 July 2011

Telford-EIS Picnic

Dear Colleagues,
The EIS Branch Committee are delighted to invite you to participate in our first annual summer picnic at  
12:00 noon on Monday 1st August 2011 on the lawn outside the salon.
The picnic is a completely open event giving members, non-members, family and friends the opportunity to come together over the summer period to socialise and show our mutual support and solidarity for colleagues and friends as we face the new era at Telford together.
So please join us at the college at 12:00 noon on Monday the 1st of August with friends, family and a basket full of fresh produce to munch and share!
This event is open to all staff!
Please RSVP by replying to this email!
If you would like to receive messages and info from the Branch Committee at your personal email account please send using your personal account too:
Don't forget to visit the blog for regular news / views and links to relevant info (
 Hope to see you there.

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