Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Team Telford United for Victory!

The UK is one of the wealthiest nations on earth, but that these riches are monopolised by a fraction of the population, a percentage that appear unwilling to reach into their deep pockets to make good on the crisis that is of their making not ours.

A picket line will be running from 7.45am tomorrow morning,

All colleagues are welcome to show their support! We are hoping for support from  students and the NUS!

Team Telford – lecturers, instructors, managers, support staff and students – will be meeting up at the Usher Hall at 11am immediately prior to assembling with colleagues from across all aspects of the Public (ESSENTIAL) services.

The meeting point for the main demonstration is accessible through this link -


Nationally, people are standing their ground and refusing to pay more for a pension the value of which will diminish in direct proportion to us working harder and for longer.

This is an issue that unites us all in common cause, a cause that is just.

Membership of Telford College EIS has increased at pace over the last week or so, and we would like to extend another invitation to those staff still not protected by our members and representatives to take this opportunity to join what is an effective body for representing your interests across the college. 

Looking forward to seeing you all there. 


Go Team Telford!

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