Thursday, 30 June 2011

Are Telford College Authorities Blocking Blog?

Staff and remaining students attempting to access this, the recently established EIS-Branch, blog site from inside the college have been greeted by a large window declaring “Access Denied” on the grounds that the content of this site is “Dubious”.

Many of you will find the headline of this posting somewhat familiar and would be forgiven for experiencing a distinct feeling of déjà vu, when their attempts to view their blog were mysteriously rebuffed as during the Protocol National  dispute of Autumn 2007 a similar barrier was placed in the way of staff as they attempted to communicate with one another, as well as accessing messages of solidarity and concern posted by families, friends and supporters. (See link to No3rdParty site at foot of this post)

The Branch Committee would hope that these errors – quickly rectified by the previous regime, as access was miraculously restored after a short period – will not be repeated on this occasion. This site does not utilises college resources as it is maintained and administered entirely outwith the college during personal time. Those students and staff who have until now been accessing the site have been doing nothing more than accessing useful, reliable and moderated content related to a FELA branch of Scotland's largest teaching union, the EIS.

It remains to be seen whether those responsible for judging our blog as breaching ‘acceptable use policy’ will undergo a change of heart and permit us the luxury of access to our own site.

The site remains on-line and easily accessible from any portal external to the college, so the free flow and exchange of information cannot be blocked.

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